Well it's official...for the first time EVER, we are going out of town over Thanksgiving. I am reluctant to say what has driven me to this point but I will drop a small hint...family. We always have Thanksgiving at our house and have both my side and Jim's side over. Up until last year, we suffered through the bickering, lateness, rude comments, arguing, complaining, screaming and food throwing from years past. Last year we warned everyone in advance that this was unacceptable behavior and we were not going to have this kind of holiday again. So what happened? NO ONE SPOKE AT ALL. People this is no exaggeration. You could actually hear the chewing and the swallowing of the food because it was dead silent. After the last dish was back in the cabinet last year I told Jim I will NOT do this again. I cook for two and a half days, spend $200 on dinner, pull out the finest china, napkins, and crystal available, and then can't even have a peaceful dinner. This is not what I want for my immediate family. So we made a decision this year. On Wednesday, Nov. 26, we will be leaving for Gatlinburg. We have rented a cabin in the woods and will be cooking Thanksgiving dinner there. I put mom and dad in a hotel five miles down the road so they can come eat with us too. (They have been warned that any bad behavior on their part and they won't be invited next year) I know this sounds really bad and selfish and I can't help but think this is not how it is supposed to be. I also feel like I am in self preservation mode and determined to have a wonderful holiday with my kids...what do you all think?