It's been awhile since I have been able to blog. During the weeks we have been home I have been working 10 and 12 hour days and weekends we have been in Carollton Kentucky. Not much has really been going on except that. We will be leaving town again this weekend but it will be the last trip for a couple of weeks. It's time to get the kids back in school and to get back to a regular schedule. It's been a year since Jim and I have been in the Salon together and while things have been going really well, we had to sit down and re-evaluate our schedule. Obviously going down to one income was a huge sacrifice financially but it has turned out to be a pretty big one in other ways too. To save money at the shop, we had cut our cleaning crew and Jim took that over as well. Well since we are open 6 days a week, that put our only cleaning day on Sunday. It takes all four of us at least five hours and just the two of us about 8 hours to clean. We were really excited about church on Saturday night but that didn't last too long. (Totally understand...who can keep up with that action packed weekend?) Anyway, outside of special meeting here and there and keeping the girls plugged in church on Wednesday night, Jim and I haven't been. So, Jim has applied for several jobs online and hopefully in the next few weeks we hear something. We will be able to come to church on Sundays as a family again and get some normal scheduling back in our life. (As normal as a possible anyway) One job he applied for will be working him every other Saturday as well as during the week so we would be able to stay home on that weekend. That will still give us out of town time too. I only thought about the financial end of this when we decided to do this. Didn't take into account anything else. Doesn't take long to realize how important your church family is...See ya soon!
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