Saturday, January 5, 2008

What's the point?

Ok- I'm just going to put this out there. Christian people who act like everything is wonderful all the time, get on my nerves. Get real. It really makes me mad when they act like you are not "spiritual enough" to get it too. Are you kidding me? First of all - if you have to go around announcing how spiritual you are, maybe you are trying to convince yourself. Secondly - we are all created equal. So if I can have bad days, so can you. These kinds of people are everywhere too. I have traveled all over the world and there is always one. (at least) Africa, Israel, Greece, Australia, name it, they are there. Do they not realize that all they are doing is alienating people from truth? There is a difference between religion and relationship. I don't want any religion in me. I don't want to go through the motions because that is what I have been taught. I don't want to walk through life with some stupid smile plastered on my face like I am impervious to pain. Sometimes life is hard. Sometimes it is great. Our relationship with God should be real. It takes work and it takes communication. He knows what we are really feeling anyway. We're fooling ourselves if we think that we can pull one over on Him. I take comfort in knowing that at the end of a hard day, He is always there to take me in and make me feel safe. Strip me of all religion and give me relationship anyday!

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