Sunday, April 20, 2008

RIP you big red beast

Here is a little tidbit about myself...I used to be EXTREMELY impulsive. When I was younger I would make "fly by the seat of my pants" decisions. I was married and had kids so I can't say that those things made me grow up. I used to get an idea in my head and that was the end of it. I did it regardless of the cost, the danger, the studpidity, whatever. I got married at the age of 17. I bought my first house when I was 18. Which, by the way, I only looked at once and put a contract in on it. Stupid, I know, but you would think I learned my lesson. No - that is also how I got the next 3 houses. I was driving through the country one day just enjoying the fresh air and bought a lake house cabin. I actually told the woman I would take it if she could get all of her stuff out of it that day. Cars have not been much better...I usually get a wild hair and drive off the lot in something different. I can't tell you how many times Jim has come home and I've been painting the house in some off the wall color. (no pun intended) Impulsive I tell you. Fearless. Untouchable. Driven. Arrogant. Stupid.
Why do I bring all this up? It's all over a couch. A couch that I had to have 15 months ago. You see, the urge struck and there I was at Leather Designs picking which dyed cow butt would be suitable for our butts. I chose a deep red. And I couldn't just get the couch either. Oh no - I had to have a sectional and it had to have an extra seat. In other words, it had to be way expensive. $4100 expensive. But that's ok - because we were going to have it for fifteen years at least and I really really wanted it. I was going to have the couch. I ordered it and rushed home to give away my perfectly good leather couch and two recliners. For the next 35 days we sat in lawn furniture in our living room awaiting the blessed couch. The day before Thanksgiving 2006, the beautiful red monstrosity was delivered. It was perfect. I had measured and matched perfectly. My home was now complete.
Why the blog then you ask? It didn't take long before I noticed that anytime I sat on it for more than 20 minutes, my neck would go out of alignment and I would start with a massive headache. I couldn't tell anyone, especially Jim, because I had won the argument - we got the couch. I suffered in silence for almost 6 months before he blurted out one night that he hated the couch. He was trying to lay down and watch tv but the pillow under his head kept sliding on the leather. Not to mention that, because it was a sectional, there was no place for the sliding to stop. He would literally work his way, over the course of a couple of hours, all the way around the couch until the other arm rest stopped him.
The couch finally made it's way to Craigs list. It has been sold and will be leaving our humble abode this coming Sunday. Now I have to pick a new couch and chair. This time I seem to be a little gun shy. What used to come so easy for me is now a horribly difficult decision. My mind says it's just a couch but the ever constant pain in my neck reminds me of how important this is. I must replace it with something comfortable and cheap. Did I mention I only got $1800 out of the couch....I don't want to talk about it. Another lesson learned.

Friday, April 18, 2008


Ok - so I go with Shelly yesterday because she wants to get a tattoo on her neck. The tattoo shop doesn't open until noon so we meet her early at a restaurant a few doors down. Jim and I are having lunch but she opts not to eat because she is nervous. (I can respect that. I mean who wants to throw up and twitch while I guy has a needle over one of your main arteries.) Mind you this is not her first tattoo but her THIRD! It had been about fifteen years since her last one though. She's too antsy to sit still at the table anymore and decides to go ahead down to the shop and get them going on her artwork. Her oldest daughter has drawn the most beautiful butterfly for her to use and she has the drawing with her. I finish lunch and walk down there just in time to spot her with, quite possibly, the freakiest man I have ever seen. I mean, there are no words. Now looks are one thing and personality is something completely different. This guy had neither. She managed to find the guy that was ADHD, bipolar, alcoholic and very very colorful. By the time she explains to him what she wants, her nerves are really working. She sits down in the chair and is waiting for him to set up. (This usually only takes about five minutes) Apparantly this guy is incapable of setting up and talking at the same time and he talks ALOT! At least fifteen minutes pass and he is finishing up filling up all the paint containers. I look down at Shelly and now she is starting to sweat. All she wants is a tattoo. She didn't sign up for the freak show! He puts the needle in the gun and bam - he has a phone call!!!!!!! He stays on the phone for at least another 10 minutes! Now I'm just thinking this is bad business skills but clearly this guy is doing good just to bestanding upright. Did I mention the shaking? Anyway, after I showed him where to put it on her neck we're off. He's tattooing and Shelly is remembering what it felt like. While the pain was not bad, her head is tilted completely over to the side so the skin will be taught. He is leaning with all his weight on her neck. Very long story a little shorter, the tattoo turned out beautiful, the pain was not as bad as she remembered, and she has been sore ever since because it strained her muscle. You can't make this stuff up people! Just thought I would share her journey...LOVE YA SHELLY!!!!


Did everyone survive Thunder Under Louisville?

Sunday, April 13, 2008


What makes the top ten list of stupidest things I have ever done?

Stand in the freezing cold weather, in the rain, for seven hours waiting for fireworks.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Tag...I'm it


The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
-Each player answers the questions about themselves.
-At the end of the post, the player then tags people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they’ve been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

What I was doing 10 years ago:
Raising a 7 year old and a 2 year old
Trying to survive financially
Attending Deeper Life Christian Center
Full time Worship Leader for a choir of 40 and praise team of 12

Five things on my to-do list this week:
(by the way - life would cease to function without a to do list)
Get 3 estimates from metal roofers
Finish Salon remodel and rent out one station
Do something special with each of my kids for Spring break
Finish my current book (The Gift of Fear)
Scrub house from top to bottom and do every stitch of laundry (Completed today!)

Places I have traveled:
Africa (twice)
North Carolina
South Carolina
West Virginia
New York
New Jersey

Things I would do if I were a billionaire:
Pay tithes and offerings
Buy the Cinemas for the church
Pay off all my debt
Pay off all my families debt
Pay off all my employees debt
Make a full time job of hunting out needy people in the grocery stores, restaurants, and Malls and pay for their purchases

Five of my bad habits:
I don't drink water
I trust no one (been hurt too many times)
Instead of reaching out when I have a problem, I hibernate
I've been told I have a sick sense of humor
I've also been told I'm unapproachable

Five places I have lived:
My first house with Jim (Literally 650 square feet)
We then bought our first house (1992)
Moved to 8915 Preston Hwy. (2001-huge mistake)
Bought another house in Mt. Washington (2002-an even bigger mistake)
Bought our beautiful old farm house in 2003 (We're here for good - til we're gone for good)

five jobs I’ve had:
Nationwide Auto Parts
Hardee's (2 days)
World Wide Native Evangelism
Shear Attitude Inc. (Which I own)

People I want to know more about (a nice way of saying TAG):
Pastor David
Tammy (Dancing it out)
Charmaine Bridgemann

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


And I was worried about a little pimple this morning!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Spring break is so close I can feel it! We are leaving Friday for 6 days to go camping with the Fam. Heading down to Cave City, Ky to camp and to tour Mammoth cave. Also plan on doing Ky Down Under and some other local fun stuff. Hopefully the weather is beautiful. I know it's no beach but we wanted to have some bonding time with the girls. (I'll let you know how that works out) This is the first trip with the new camper so I'm sure we will have some kinks to work out. I am just looking forward to getting out of the house and out of the Salon. I hope everyone has a wonderful spring break and remember to stay safe!!!!