Saturday, September 27, 2008


So Jim and I and some friends (Alicia & Ivan Nunez & Julie & Mike Hook) went to see the movie Fireproof tonight. If you are married, have ever been married, ever plan on getting married or need to learn about relationships, you MUST see this movie. I will admit that some of the acting at times may have been a little cheesy but the over all message was awesome! Jim and I have been married for almost 18 years and at the beginning, it was BAD! I tell people who are in the same situation our whole testimony because it was really aweful. I don't think you would know that by how we are today. Let's put it this way - Lazarus rising from the dead after four days is nothing compared to what God did with us. So much violence and hatred...seems like a lifetime ago. We actually even got divorced. All things were final and we had moved on. There was no way we would be a family. Long story short...we've been married 18 years in December, God is good, we are happier than we have ever been, and our family is whole. Go see this movie!

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